Local group collecting Valentines for seniors

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — A local nonprofit is asking for help to bring some winter cheer to area seniors.
Members of Warmth and Comfort for the Elderly Upstate SC use their crochet skills to provide warm items for nursing home patients, hospice groups, home health patients and elderly people who live at home and can’t afford them.
They also hold regular donation drives.
The group needs some extra time for February’s drive, so it’s getting an early start, CEO Tammy Ferguson said.
“We will be collecting Valentine cards and hearts for our elderly in health care facilities and our shut-ins,” she said. “These cards and hearts may be homemade or purchased.”
Items can be dropped at the Pickens YMCA, in Easley at Under the Carolina Moon, Taco Taco and Earth Works Unlimited and at Front Porch Fixins in Powdersville.
The cards and hearts are needed by Feb. 10, Ferguson said.
For more information about the group, email warmthandcomfort@gmx.com or call (864) 668-1021.
Learn more about the group at its Facebook page.