Local woman renews career as artist after brain injury

By Ron Barnett
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — As strange as it may sound, Easley artist Emily Ruff says her art is actually better now than it was before she suffered a broken neck and traumatic brain injury in an accident some four and a half years ago.
She doesn’t recommend flipping a car nine times on an interstate highway for improving one’s
artistic abilities.
But learning how to use the creative part of her brain to compensate for a temporary decline in function of the analytical part seems to have had that effect, she says.
“I feel like I see things a little differently,” she told the Courier. “And that translates into creativity, for sure.”
That would not have been possible without the therapy she received at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, she says.
And her renewed career as an artist is a testament to this year’s theme of Brain Injury Awareness Month, sponsored by the Brain
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