Make The Bread Yourself

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
If you can’t find bread in the store, don’t panic.
Buy yeast and bread flour (you can substitute all-purpose flour), go home and get started.
It gives you something constructive to do and helps you acquire a new survival skill.
The key is not to have the liquid you dissolve the yeast in too hot — go by the recommended temperature on the package of yeast. Knead properly and place dough in a warm place to rise.
One suggestion is to heat two cups water in a glass measuring cup for four minutes in the microwave. Move water to back of microwave. Set dough, covered in a bowl, in the center. Shut the door (with microwave off) and let the dough rise.
Breadmaking is nothing to fear. If you can read and follow directions, you’re all set. Remember, the more you make it, the more confident you become.