Man charged in shooting

EASLEY — A 21-year-old Easley man was charged with attempted murder last week after another man showed up at a hospital with a gunshot wound.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office chief deputy Creed Hashe said Jeremy Lee Basquette, 21, was charged with attempted murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime. He is being held without bond at the Pickens County Detention Center.
Hashe said deputies responded to Cannon Hospital in Pickens at around 7:30 p.m. last Wednesday after receiving a report that a man had driven himself to the hospital for treatment.
As officers interviewed the victim, identified as 24-year-old Liberty resident Phillip Javin Valentine, they learned the shooting was the result of a verbal confrontation that turned physical, leaving Valentine with a gunshot wound to the lower leg.
According to Hashe, the shooting happened at a home at 1506 Robert P. Jeanes Road near Easley where the two men, who were strangers, were visiting others.
Deputies interviewed several witnesses and later arrested Basquette after he showed up at Cannon for a cut on the back of his head around 8 p.m.