Charity gets donation in honor of Jacks
By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Friends of Barry and Lyle Jacks did not know what to do to comfort the couple after they lost their son, Dakota, in a plane crash last summer.

Ben Robinson/Courier
A check was presented last week by Baptist Easley employees to the Feed A Hungry Child organization in memory of Dakota Jacks, who died last year in a plane crash. Pictured, from left, are Jenny Kelley, Jody Spence, Dakota’s mother Lyle Jacks, Dakota’s father Barry Jacks, Feed a Hungry Child board member Milledge Cassell, Cynthia Ellenburg, Margaret Morris, Mitzi Morlock, Dawn Whitt, Kathleen Crysler and Feed A Hungry Child board member Kela Simpson.
The friends ultimately decided to use their memory of Dakota to accomplish something positive, raising money for the Feed A Hungry Child program in Pickens County schools.
Coworkers of Lyle Jacks at Baptist Easley joined together last week to present their earnings to the program, which fills backpacks with food donations for Pickens County school children to bring home on weekends so they will not have to worry about food during a weekend break.
The donation was much needed, according to Milledge Cassell of the Feed A Hungry Child program.
“Hunger is a major problem nationwide, not just in Pickens County,” Cassell said. “We’re spending $10,000 a month on food. We are thrilled that through this donation we will be able to take care of those who need it so badly.”
This month, the Feed A Hungry Child program will be seeking help from churches in the county. On the third Sunday of this month, many churches will collect special offerings for the program.
“Most churches are happy to help out if they know about the program,” Cassell said. “This falls within their mission of sharing God’s love with the less fortunate.”
Feed A Hungry Child serves 15 of the 16 elementary schools in the county.
“Dacusville Elementary has a food kitchen,” Cassell said. “But they know we will help them if they need it.”
Last week, the program began in its first middle school, Edwards Middle School.
“We want to reach as many children as we can,” Cassell said. “This is a way to touch so many lives in Pickens County.”
For more information, contact Cassell at (864) 421-2361.