
Meeting set for Pickens street changes

PICKENS — The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has scheduled a public information meeting for Thursday, Feb. 2, concerning a set of proposed improvements to U.S. 178/Ann Street in Pickens.

The meeting will be from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the new Pickens High School cafeteria at 150 Blue Flame Drive north of Pickens off of Hwy 178. The meeting will have a drop-in format with displays for viewing, and citizens will have the opportunity to provide written comments. A formal presentation will not be given during this time.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide information and solicit feedback from area residents concerning the proposed improvements to U.S. 178/Ann Street. The proposed project would reconstruct and widen the four travel lanes on Ann Street between S.C. 183/Main Street and the bridge over Town Creek. In addition, intersection improvements would be made at Jones Avenue that would include additional turn lanes. These improvements are needed to reconstruct deteriorating pavement and to accommodate the anticipated future traffic demand along the corridor. Another purpose of the meeting is to gather information from the public or any interested organization on historic or cultural resources in the area. Representatives of SCDOT will be available to answer questions and discuss the project with interested citizens on an individual basis.
For more information, the public may contact Tommy Elrod, SCDOT Program Manager at (864) 241-1010 in Greenville or at Persons with disabilities who may require special accommodations should contact Lis Bleasdale at (803) 737-1345.