
Noorai named Andrew Pickens Outstanding Junior Member

CLEMSON — The Andrew Pickens Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently announced Mari Rosalie Noorai as its 2017 Chapter Outstanding Junior Member.

8-24 Page 8A.inddNoorai is a descendant of several founding families of Pickens County, including Anderson, Anthony, Barton, Blassingame, Bowen, Cantrell, Field, Griffin, Hallum and Nimmons, and she is a fifth-generation member of the South Carolina State Society DAR.

She is serving her fifth year as chapter regent. Noorai is active on the state and national level. She serves the state society as state recording secretary and state Junior American Citizens committee chair. Currently, she serves the national society as national vice chair for JAC committee — publicity. Previously, she served as the Southeastern division vice chair for the JAC committee — service and creative expression.