
Outdoor market set to benefit PCBDSN

PICKENS — Located at 101 Laurenwood Drive in Pickens, Looper’s Red Barn will host an outdoor market event on Sept. 22, with all proceeds going to benefit the Pickens County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs.

The funds will be used to help individuals with disabilities and their families.

The event is free and open to the public and will run from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. It will include outdoor vendors with homemade arts and crafts, Carolina Choo Choo train rides, music, fishing, special appearances by Sacred Heart Beats (drum therapy), 2018 South Carolina Jr. Miss and Miss Amazing Carrie McWhorter, bounce houses and silent auction items.

Hot dog plates and baked goods will also be available for purchase.

For vendor information, call (864) 644-2563 or (864) 644-2564 or email or