Owens signs proclamation to honor constitution this week

Mayor David Owens poses with members of the Fort Prince George Chapter of DAR Lynda Abegg, Kitty Gallagher, Carolyn Peloza, Marianne Holland, Una Welborn, Anne Kilpatrick and Mildred Brewer.
PICKENS — Many people are not aware that the City of Pickens was once ruled by a queen.
Born in 1870, she was known as “Miss Queen,” and during her reign, she founded the Fort Prince George Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). “Miss Queen” was the daughter of James Earle Hagood and later married Judge Thomas Mauldin. The classic Greek-style revival home where she lived and entertained, built in 1856, is now a museum, the Hagood-Mauldin House.
Mayor David Owens understands the significance of the town’s historic tradition and its ties to the Revolutionary War. When the current members of the Fort Prince George Chapter asked the mayor to sign a proclamation that declared Sept. 17-23 be observed to honor the United States Constitution, he was more than willing to comply.
“It is an honor to sign this proclamation on behalf of the city of Pickens,” he said. “As you probably know, the city of Pickens was named for the Revolutionary War hero, General Andrew Pickens.”
The tradition of celebrating Constitution Week was begun by the DAR in 1955 when they petitioned Congress to set aside September 17-23 annually to be dedicated for the observance of the Constitution. The resolution was later adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed into Public Law No. 915, on Aug. 2, 1956, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The purpose of constitution week is to encourage the community to study, protect and defend the constitution.
Known as the largest women’s patriotic organization in the world, DAR has more than 175,000 members with approximately 3,000 chapters in all 50 states and 13 foreign countries. South Carolina has 4,371 members in 71 chapters across the state. DAR has long promoted patriotism through commemorative celebrations, memorials, scholarships and activities for children, as well as programs for new immigrants. For more information about DAR and its programs visit www.dar.org.