County teams compete at state track and field championships
By Bru Nimmons
Sports Editor
COLUMBIA — Dozens of athletes from Pickens County’s four public high schools competed in the South Carolina High School League track and field state championships last week, earning varying honors for their efforts.
Pickens County’s best showing came from the Daniel girls, who finished fifth in Class 3A. While no Daniel girl was able to bring home an individual state championship, two athletes and the Lions’ 4×800-meter relay team brought home silver medals. Ashby Williams took second in the 3,200-meter run, just one year removed from bringing home a state championship in the event. Williams was also a member of the second-place 4×800 team alongside Lilly Tidwell, Casey
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Rogers golf tourney scheduled for June
PICKENS — The 19th annual Charles F. Rogers Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, June 10.
The tournament, which annually benefits a male and female senior basketball player from Pickens High School planning to attend a university, college or technical school, is set to kick off
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Let’s talk Pickens Parks and Rec
Picture this … you’re standing there … you take a deep breath of fresh air. You listen as the faint sound of a whippoorwill echoes through thetrees. You smell the budding laurels on the creek bank as the water ripples slowly past you. You suddenly hear a crack in the leaves and
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Local tech company recognized among South Carolina’s best

By Riley Morningstar
Courtesy The Journal
LIBERTY — A local tech company was recognized as one of the top places to work in South Carolina earlier this month.
KeyMark, an automation software integrator providing capture, workflow, case management and robotic process automation solutions, was named sixth in the South Carolina Top Workplaces for small businesses and best in communication on May 11 at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. KeyMark vice president of human resources Stephen Middleton accepted the award for the company.
“Earning a Top Workplaces award is a badge of honor for companies, especially because it comes authentically from their employees,” award presenter and Energage CEO Eric Rubino said. “That’s something to be proud of. In today’s market, leaders must ensure they’re allowing employees to have a voice and be heard. That’s paramount. Top Workplaces do this, and it pays dividends.”
The awards are based on employee feedback gathered by a third-party survey assessing 15 “culture drivers” key to the organization, a news release said. Some 70 companies qualified in the small business category, while there were 103 businesses included in the communication category.
“To be knowledgeable, trustworthy and responsive — our corporate values are not just a promise to customers, but to our employees and
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DHEC still giving out free at-home COVID-19 tests
COLUMBIA — Though the federal public health emergency status for COVID-19 ended this month, the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has restocked its inventory of free tests.
The agency announced the new kits contain two tests and don’t expire until the
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Clemson University breaks ground on new complex

By Andrea Kelley
Courtesy The Journal
CLEMSON — Clemson University department leaders symbolically broke ground with grins Tuesday at the site of the new Advanced Materials Innovation Complex (AMIC) across from Woodland Cemetery.
The 143,000 square foot building will become the new home for multiple departments and provide a
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DAR honors military veterans
George Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
recently honored two local veterans in anticipation of Memorial Day. At right, Korean War veteran Morris Durham Jr. was presented with a DAR Certificate for his service by his granddaughter-in-law, Fort Prince George Chaplain Erica Cooper, and Fort Prince George Regent and State DAR Chaplain Carolyn Nations, right. At left, Fort Prince George Service to Veterans chair Ann Warmuth presented World War II veteran Mildred Oberhofer with a DAR Certificate honoring her service, along with 140-plus cards collected for her 102nd birthday. Courtesy photos
Courier Letters to the Editor 5-24-23
Leveling the playing field
Dear Editor,
“Bad leadership” are the words used by the opposition party in reference to a president. Basically, it means they don’t think the person has the qualities required to be president, supposedly. It is only another way of saying they don’t like the opposition politics.
During an election cycle, which seems to never really end these years, it is more of the same old negative talk about the other party’s candidate. Which brings to mind that one side says mostly bad things about the opposition because they can’t say all that many good things about themselves. But that’s another topic. It is true that bad leadership in the nation’s government, both the presidency and the Congress, is
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Love your neighbor
It would be safer to write about the drama unfolding outside my house lately — a ferocious love triangle between three cardinals.
It’s a controversy that seems to have no easy resolution.
Likewise the hot-button issue that I will attempt to address here, although it’s not nearly as simple or safe to write about.
Gender dysphoria.
I suspect that in terms of the number of individuals who suffer from this condition, the issue is
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The truth is out there
John Miller was a printer. He printed the London Evening Post and the London Courant. Being a printer in England was not an easy job, especially if you disagreed with the king. Miller was outspoken about government corruption, voiced his pro-American views and longed for freedom of the press. Miller was charged with
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