Pickens County YMCA girls’ swim team wins state title
COUNTY — The Pickens County YMCA Piranhas girls’ swim team won first place in the Carolina YMCA Swim League State Summer Championship at the Newberry County YMCA.
In the overall competition, the Pickens County Y placed second.
The Pickens girls scored 785 points to win their third straight title among the girls’ teams, followed by Newberry with 531 points and Greenwood with 325. Some of the Pickens swimmers who placed overall in their age groups were: Heidi McKever, first, 6 and under; Hailey McKever, third, 6 and under; Madelyn McKever, first, 8 and under; Molly Sanders, third, 8 and under; Lily Hyder, first, 10 and under; Morgan Couch, fourth, 10 and under; Ivy Hyder, first, 12 and under; Mia
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