Pickens Rec gets $44,300 for new bathroom facilities

Pamela Dodson/Courier
Pickens City Council members Patrick Lark and Patti Welborn, as well as mayor David Owens, look on as Pickens Recreation director Cheri Anthony and grounds superintendent Jamie Gravley, right, are presented a check by Pickens County councilman Randy Crenshaw.
By Pamela Dodson
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens Jaycee Park will see new construction in the coming weeks as a new bathroom facility is being built at the site.
With construction set to begin in early June, members of Pickens City Council met on Monday at the park as Pickens County councilman Randy Crenshaw presented a check for $44,300 to Pickens Recreational Department director Cheri Anthony. The money came from the accommodations tax fund, which is used to help fund recreation and tourism-related projects within the county.
Swayngham Construction will be the lead on the project and is asking for volunteers to help with the build. All volunteers are welcome and encouraged to come out, but those with construction skills and experience would be appreciated. Jaycee Park is located at 149 N. Homestead Road.
If you are interested in donating your time and talents or need more information, contact Travis Swayngham at (864) 380-5360.