Pickens Rotary gives $10,000 to help homeless in Pickens County

Pickens Rotarians Kathy Brazinski, Seth Crow, club president-elect Karen Culley, Jeannie Gilstrap, Ryan Smith, club president Dr. Paul Giddings, Marvin Short and, representing Family Promise, Steve Lambright of the United Way of Pickens County are pictured at the presentation of a $10,000 check to Family Promise.
PICKENS — Pickens Rotary Club recently presented a check for $10,000 to Family Promise of Pickens County.
The club expressed thanks to all the people and businesses that supported and attended the 2014 Pickens Rotary Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction to make the donation possible.
Family Promise was initiated by United Way of Pickens County to address the need for a homeless shelter in Pickens County in a cost-efficient way.
Family Promise brings the faith community together to temporarily host homeless families within their houses of worship and help families regain their housing, their independence and their dignity.
It offers an opportunity for volunteers of all faiths to reduce homelessness and transform lives.
The Family Promise day center is located within The Dream Center in Easley. For more information, visit www.familypromisepickens.org.