Pill Take Back Day planned Saturday across county

COUNTY — The upcoming National Pill Take Back Day allows Pickens County residents to get rid of unwanted and expired prescription pills — and possibly leave the drop-off sites with a little extra in their wallets.
The spring Pill Take Back Day will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. this Saturday, April 24.
In Pickens County, pills can be dropped off at AnMed Health Cannon Hospital (123 W.G. Acker Drive, Pickens), Prisma Health Baptist Easley (200 Fleetwood Drive, Easley) and the Clemson Free Clinic (1200 Clemson Blvd., Clemson).
Residents dropping off medications during Pill Take Back Day on Saturday may be randomly selected to win a gift card. There will be three random winners at each location.
Acting United States Attorney M. Rhett DeHart urges the public to participate in Take Back Day
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