Public Works performs quick bridge fix

COUNTY — Summer storms washed out War Branch Road in Central, stranding six homeowners due to the single road inlet/outlet. The Pickens County Public Works Department worked through the weekend establishing a temporary road until a permanent fix could be established.
In order to create a permanent fix for the road crews assessed the situation and networked with outside agencies and other local governments. It was determined that a 9’ x 9’ x 48’ box culvert was needed to
handle the 100-year flood plain. After studying plans and looking at similar projects other governments have performed, officials found this type of project typically takes between 4-6 weeks.
Pickens County administration along with the Public Works Department in order to minimize the citizen impact bought into the idea to perform the replacement in a 72-hour time frame by utilizing staff working three shifts around the clock.
Pickens County Public Works Department performed a box-culvert replacement in 60 hours completing the project 12 hours ahead of the projected schedule. The project could not be completed without the team effort of all employees involved.
Pickens County offered to pay for hotel expenses for the six residents who would be impacted by the road closure. Steps were taken to assure in the event of an emergency the necessary equipment was staged prior to the culvert replacement.