Recognizing a special volunteer

Rocky Nimmons/Courier
Hazel Shehan, seated, was honored at the Pickens Senior Center last Friday. Joining Shehan are family members, from left, Carl Durham, Angie Durham, Scott Durham, Ruth Smith, Albert Durham, Ted Shehan, Terry Smith, Tony Waldrop and Betty Waldrop.
Shehan honored at Pickens Senior Center
PICKENS — The Pickens Senior Center held a special day to honor charter member Hazel Shehan on Friday.
Shehan was honored with a special lunch and musical entertainment during the event. She was recognized for the many contributions she has given to the center since it began in 2008. During the event she was presented a special proclamation signed by the members of the senior center’s board of directors. Many members took the opportunity to speak in her honor.
Shehan has been heavily involved in yard sales and fundraisers to help revitalize the building, located at 129 School House St. in Pickens. She has always been involved in making things, like curtains for all the windows and hearts on Valentine’s Day to hang in the cafeteria.
She also participated with the committee in a fundraiser at the Azalea Festival and Pumpkintown Festival, selling her handmade items.
Shehan was responsible for starting the Pickens Senior Center’s “Tuesday Night Suppers” for all the people that enjoy the center.
She is still very active at home, making items for the center to sell at fundraisers.