
Ribbon cut on new Twelve Mile Recreation Park

By Jason Evans

Staff Reporter

CENTRAL — Pickens County’s latest park is officially open.

County officials cut the ribbon Monday morning on the Twelve Mile Recreation Park, located at 1110 Norris Highway in Central.

County officials broke ground on the park project in November 2016, but the project started long before that, according to County Councilman Trey Whitehurst.

“This whole process started many years ago when we were dealing with the PCBs from Schlumberger,” he said. “This is one of the final outcomes we were able to produce out of that.”

After purchasing the Sangamo-Weston plant in Pickens, Schlumberger agreed in 2006 to pay $11.8 million to federal and state agencies as recompense for polychlorinated biphenyls released into the environment for decades by the plant.

“There was a certain amount of money given back to the counties as

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