Roper offers update on area roads, SC 183
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Although S.C. Highway 183 is not a county road, local officials cannot “turn a blind eye to it,” Pickens County administrator Ken Roper said last week.
Roper gave an update on area roads during a Facebook Live video recorded last Friday.
Some have called Highway 183 one of the most dangerous roads in the Upstate, if not in all of South Carolina, he said.
“Dangerous highway, crowded highway,” Roper said.
S.C. Department of Transportation (DOT) officials have said they “don’t really have anything in the works for Highway 183,” he said.
“I know they’ve got a lot of problems around the state they’ve got to take care of, but we’ve got to figure out a way to fix this,” Roper said.
Rep. Neal Collins and Pickens United have been trying to find funding solutions to tackle S.C. 183, including applying to the South Carolina State Transportation Infrastructure Bank (STIB), which is meant to fund big projects, he said.
That application was rejected, as STIB officials felt there was not enough “local commitment to
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