Sarlin Community Library holds back-to-school bingo

Pictured are members of the executive board of the Sarlin Library — Jean Thomas, Mel Avery, Lisa Carpenter, Lynn Baker, Carole Andrews, Kasey Swords, Hayne Meyerson and Tracy Morgan. Not pictured is Kathlyn Albertson.
LIBERTY — Sarlin Community Library was a very happening place Aug. 14, [cointent_lockedcontent]as about 80 children and adults joined together in celebration of the end-of-summer back-to-school bingo blast sponsored by the Friends of the Sarlin Library.
Sandwiches, cookies, cupcakes, cake and candy were served to the children by officers and directors of Liberty Friends of the Library. After the refreshments, the children joined library manager Kasey Swords in a wild bingo party. The prizes which included backpacks and book bags stuffed with school supplies were handed out by the Friends Teen Council, Richey Baker, Cassie Dorr and Katie Dorr. Local businesses also provide coupons for food items, and Transitions Hair Salon provided 15 free haircuts. General small prizes were given as the bingo game went on until all had been awarded.
“The children were so excited and happy with the party,” said Lynn Baker, one of the helpers. “They were good winners and very polite and extremely nice to each other and to all the helpers. It was a joy to see the happy faces.”
All involved hope for an even bigger and better party next year.
“I think we will have to have a bigger room,” vice president Tracy Morgan said. The library staff and the Friends of the Library thanked those who worked hard to make the party a wonderful experience for all involved, as well as those in the community who made donations to help the event.