School board suspends meetings

By Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
EASLEY — Due to restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pickens County School Board won’t be having its regular monthly meetings the fourth Monday of the month anytime in the foreseeable future.
On Friday morning, with only chairwoman Betty Garrison present and the remaining six trustees attending via conference call, the board unanimously voted to suspend regularly scheduled meetings until further notice. School district spokesman John Eby said virtual meetings, such as those held Friday, may continue with at least 24 hours notice to the media and public.
The virtual meeting was held based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines not allowing more than 10 people to be gathered at once.
“With the current restrictions on social distancing and group limitations, the traditional public input format of citizens coming to a podium in a public meeting isn’t possible,” Eby said.