
Six Mile centennial kicks off Saturday

By Nicole Daughhetee

SIX MILE — 2010 commemorates the 100th anniversary of Six Mile’s birth as a town.

Six Mile received its municipality charter on December 15, 1910.

The celebration of this momentous occasion will begin with the town’s annual Christmas parade this Saturday, Dec. 4, at 10:30 a.m. (In the event of rain or snow, the parade is rescheduled for Sunday, Dec. 5, at 2 p.m.).

Beginning on Dec. 11, Six Mile Town Hall — located at 106 South Main Street — will house displays documenting Six Mile’s history over the last 100 years. This visual history details the past 100 years of development in the Six Mile community.

This permanent exhibit will be open to viewers from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. and will consist of about 250 items presented on a number of large panels. Beginning Dec. 13, the exhibits may be viewed anytime during normal working hours.

Panel groupings begin with the Six Mile community before 1910 and continue through the decades, emphasizing such subjects as the Six Mile Baptist Academy, Dr. Peek’s Hospital, the war years, school days, and firefighters.

Cut Line: Six Mile Baptist Academy, shown here in 1911, will be one focus of historical panels on display at Six Mile Town Hall in honor of the town’s 100th anniversary.