Snacks for the great outdoors
By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
Summer is coming, and we all spend a lot of time outside doing a variety of things.
Maybe you’re taking the children swimming, biking or hiking. Or maybe you’re just hitting the trail with friends or touring botanical gardens.
But you will get hungry, and you may not be within easy distance of a snack bar. So, it’s a good idea to pack some snacks that are satisfying and good for you. Also, make sure you take some water. We forget how quickly we can become dehydrated outside, so drink before you get thirsty.
These granola bar recipes are all a little different and you can experiment with a variety of ingredients if you like. Feel free to substitute other dried fruits for those listed here and change up the nuts if these aren’t your favorites.
Have a great time in the great outdoors, and never go hungry.