Spinning classes coming to Hagood Community Center

PICKENS — The new activity for this month in the Fiber Room of the Hagood Community Center — also known as the Pickens Senior Center — at 129 School House St. in Pickens will be learning to spin using a drop spindle led by Patti Gonzales.
Instruction will include general terminology, practice spinning single-strand yarn and practice plying two yarns together for greater strength. Instruction will require two class sessions: Thursday, Sept. 10, and Thursday, Sept. 24. Each session will be from 10-11:30 a.m. in room four of the community center. Handouts will be provided.
Gonzales will have spindles for sale for those who wish to purchase them. The cost of the spindles will range from $10-$35. Each beginner will receive a small amount of roving for the learning activities and a list of retail resources from which additional roving can be purchased for future use.
The total cost for the classes will be $10 and can be paid to Gonzales during the first class meeting.
Regular September classes include the following:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays (10-11:30 a.m.) — Cathedral Windows with Jacquie
Tuesdays (10-11:30 a.m.) — Yo-yos with Irene (meets in Fiber Room) and Prayer Shawls and Cancer Caps with Sharron (meets in Media Center)
Wednesdays (10-11:30 a.m.) — Knit Around with Tally
Thursdays (10-11:30 a.m.) — Quilting with Sara
Each first Thursday (10-11:30 a.m.) — Crochet with Denise
By appointment: Tatting, crochet, doll clothes, special projects and/or sewing machine use.
For additional information, call Lucy Harward at (864) 419-1794 or email daleandlucy@gmail.com.