Springing to new life
After closing, Holly Springs school reborn as valuable community center
By Dr. Thomas Cloer, Jr.
Special to The Courier
March 14, 2016, was another “date which will live in infamy” for many in our Holly Springs community. It was also sad for families connected to Albert R. Lewis Elementary School. That was the date the Pickens County School Board voted 4-to-2 to close the two schools.
I was four days old when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died. My oldest brother, Nat, was a month old when FDR spoke those words on Dec. 7, 1941, after the Japanese Empire attacked Pearl Harbor. The word “infamy” means a disgrace or the very opposite of fame. My late uncle, Fred Moody, my late mother’s brother, was there serving in the army at Pearl Harbor, and survived the attack.
I have a little propensity to “protest too much” as Queen Gertrude said in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” While that may be true, let me quickly say that I spent years at both of those closed schools, and therefore should at least have my say. Without overdoing
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