State High School League announces 24-26 realignment

By Bru Nimmons
Sports Editor
COLUMBIA — Big changes are coming for Pickens County schools after the South Carolina High School League recently announced its classification placement of all schools beginning with the 2024-25 school year. The classification placement will be in effect for two years.
With the 3.0 multiplier — an out-of-zone multiplier of 3 added for each student who lives outside of a school’s assigned attendance zone — the biggest changes
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came for Daniel High School, which will move up to Class 4A, and Easley High School, which will move up to class 5A.
Liberty and Pickens will remain in Class 2A and Class 4A, respectively.
The multiplier was voted in last month by the SCHSL executive committee following concerns among members of the lower classifications about competitive balance.
According to the SCHSL, the guidelines established by the Reclassification/Realignment Guidelines Committee served as the blueprint for schools’ placements. Schools were assigned based on their enrollment count, to include district additions and the 3.0 multiplier.
Flexibility, as approved by the Reclassification/Realignment Guidelines Committee, was also used with consideration given to geographics and travel.
The SCHSL’s executive committee will meet Jan. 18-19 to hear appeals regarding the classification placements.
“Appreciation is expressed to those who served on the Reclassification/Realignment Guidelines Committee,” SCHSL commissioner Jerome Singleton said. “Classification placement of schools is the initial phase of the process. The next step for the league staff is to place the schools into regions in their respective classifications.”