‘The Outsiders’ to open Thursday at PCPAC

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
LIBERTY — The director of the play opening Thursday at the Pickens County Performing Arts Center said the theater program there will be a draw for the community.
“The Outsiders” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday and at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday.
Tickets are $10.
The play is an adaptation of the classic novel by S.E. Hinton about “The Greasers” and “The Socs,” two rival gangs.
Directing the play at the center is a return to Breann Griffin-Nicholson’s theatrical roots.
“I actually student directed ‘The Outsiders’ my senior year of high school,” she said. “It was the first play I directed. So when I
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