Thursday Night Live set to start at Starving Artist Cafe
EASLEY — Thursday Night Live, a professional and amateur musician show, will kick off with a show hosted by Mark Webb on Thursday, Jan. 7, from 6-8 p.m. at the Starving Artist Cafe, located at 114 N. West Main St. in Easley.
The event, which will be held the first Thursday of each month, will promote local musicians and provide an opportunity for amateur musicians and music students to perform in a supportive public venue.
Anyone interested in listening to good music by local musicians and/or supporting local music students should enjoy the show.
The Starving Artist Cafe will host the events, which are sponsored and coordinated by the Fine Arts Center of Easley. Thursday
Night Live will feature a different host band each month who will perform and host the evening.
Contact the Fine Arts Center of Easley at (864) 442-6027 with questions about the event.
Musicians interested in performing at Thursday Night Live should email