‘To kill a Mockingbird’.. A classic comes to life at Foothills Playhouse

The roles of Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson, famously played by Gregory Peck and Brock Peters in the 1962 film adaptation of Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird,” will be portrayed by Dale Youngs and Reynaldo Roberts, respectively, in the upcoming Foothills Playhouse adaptation of the classic novel.
By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter
Dealing with racial strife and the trial of a black man wrongfully blamed with a crime, Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning “To Kill A Mockingbird” was turned into an all-time classic of the silver screen starring Hollywood legend Gregory Peck in 1962.
Now, the classic will hit the stage at Easley’s Foothills Playhouse for a two-week run starting this weekend. The production is dramatized by Christopher Sergel from Lee’s novel and directed by Owen Robertson.
In the well-known story, a small-town lawyer named Atticus Finch — the role which won Peck his only acting Academy Award — is hired to represent a black man on trial for the rape of a white woman in the fictional town of Maycomb, Ala. The drama surrounding the trial and selection of Finch — portrayed by Dale Youngs in the Foothills Playhouse production — provides the heart of the play.
The story begins with Finch’s daughter, Jean Louise, better known as Scout, and son, Jem, enjoying the summer, casually spying on their mysterious neighbor, Arthur “Boo” Radley.
Scout, the narrator and protagonist of the story, is played by young Charlotte Rice and carries much of the play’s dialogue. Rice does an excellent job of capturing Scout’s spunk in a role made famous by Mary Badham. Badham was also nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in the 1962 film, becoming the youngest girl to receive an Oscar nomination at the time.
Scout’s brother Jem, played by Denton Carter, also carries a key part in the play, as does Grantland Rogers, who portrays Scout’s friend Dill Harris.
A black man, Tom Robinson, is accused of raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell. Tom is played by Reynaldo Roberts, and Mayella is played by Shannon Duke.
Atticus is asked to represent Tom om trial, and the small Southern town is soon ripped apart.
In trial, Tom claims he was asked into the Ewells’ home to help her bust up a chifferobe. It is also mentioned that Mayella was suffering from a beating before Tom ever went to the house. It is implied, and evidence suggests, that Mayella’s alcoholic father Bob, the story’s main antagonist, played by Carl Gingola, was the one who abused his daughter.
Later, Tom says he feel sorry for Mayella and her “situation.” That sign of remorse apparently doomed Tom with the jury in a small Southern town, and he is later shot, described as trying to escape. Meanwhile Jem and Scout attend a school party with Scout dressed as a ham, portraying one of Maycomb County’s products. On the way home, she and Jeb are attacked in the woods by Bob Ewell. The attacker seems to have the advantage until the mysterious Boo Radley shows up and defends them.
In the end, Bob Ewell is found dead, stabbed. Although it is obvious that Radley killed the man, Sheriff Heck Tate, played by Thomas Pounds, concludes that Ewell fell upon his knife, leaving noone guilty of the murder.
The play will show on Friday and Saturday nights, Feb. 7-8 and Feb. 14-15, at 8 p.m. Matinee showings will be available on Sundays, Feb. 9 and Feb. 16, at 3 p.m.
Tickets are $14 for adults, $12 for seniors and students and $7 for children 12 and under. Group rates are also available for 10 or more, and $10 mezzanine rush tickets will be available at the box office 15 minutes before showtime.
To buy tickets, visit www.showtix4u.com, call (864) 855-1817 or email foothillsplayhouse@att.net.