Troop 51 to host 75th anniversary

A group of scouts from Troop 51 of Pickens recently took a kayak trip on Lake Keowee and are shown here stopping for lunch on one of the beaches. Pictured, from left, are Jayme Styles, Josh Froggatt, Tyler Benjamin, Tod Robitaille, Gabe Robitaille, Perry Gravely, Will Mahoney, Blake Mahoney and Bill Mahoney.
PICKENS — Pickens Scout Troop 51 will be celebrating 75 years of scouting on Sunday, Nov. 8, with an open house from 2-4 p.m. at the Scout Hut at 188 Blacksnake Road in Pickens.
All alumni and friends of Troop 51 are invited to the event. In addition to scouting exhibits, scouting memorabilia and tall tales from previous trips, a formal program and award presentation is scheduled for 3 p.m. Since parking is limited at the Scout Hut, guests are asked to park at the Old Teen Canteen on Cedar Rock Street, and a shuttle will be available to the Scout Hut.
Troop 51 was chartered on Nov. 30, 1940, with R.A. Cole serving as its first Scoutmaster. The Pickens Lions Club has been the chartered organization for the entire 75 years and will be a part of the celebration.
During the 75 years, more than a thousand scouts and adult leaders have been involved with the troop, with many of the scouts becoming important community leaders. Jack Gantt was Troop 51’s beloved Scoutmaster from 1945-1981 and was actively involved with the troop through 2005 and served as an important figure in the Pickens community and the scouting world during his tenure.
The troop currently meets every Monday night at 7 p.m., with monthly outdoor adventures including camping, hiking, backpacking, kayaking, cycling and service projects. Scouts is open to all boys between 11 and 18. For more information, contact Scoutmaster Perry Gravely via email at