Upcountry Quilters Guild to host quilt show October 11-12

Jeanette Moody with Upcountry Quilters Guild displays “Stars on Parade” in her period costume at Hagood Mill where she demonstrates quilting. The guild’s quilt show will be Oct. 11 and 12.
PICKENS — The Upcountry Quilters Guild in Pickens is presenting its biennial quilt show “Quilts on Parade” from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 11 and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 12 in the fellowship hall at Pickens View Wesleyan Church, 744 Bethlehem Ridge Rd., Pickens.
The show will feature more than 100 quilts made by guild members. Madeline K. Hawley from Athens, Ga., a nationally certified judge from the National Quilters Assn., will select the award winning quilts. Attendees will also be asked to select their favorite quilt for the Viewer’s Choice Award.
The show will have a silent auction of items made by guild members. Other features of the show include vendors, a fat quarter basket drawing, door prizes and a booth filled with gently used quilt related items for sale such as books, tools and fabric. There will also be a drawing for “Stars on Parade” a queen-sized, hand quilted quilt with brightly colored stars marching across a field of white. The guild meets at 7pm the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Blue Ridge Electric Co-op community room in Pickens. Call Gail Sexton at 864-868-2326 or visit www.upcountryquiltguildsc.com.