Walkers flock to Lions Club Walk for Diabetes

Liberty was abuzz with walkers on March 19 for the first-ever Walk for Diabetes. Left, Francis Holly, wife of Lion Tamer Glenn Holly, and her family march down Commerce Street for the worthy cause. Middle Pickens County Sheriff Rick Clark and Liberty Lions President Jean Thomas, Mel Avery and Tracy Morgan get ready to start their march. Right Dr. Lori Carnsew of Liberty Family Practice is pictured with Liberty Lion Lila Hendrix.
LIBERTY — March 19 was a big day for the small town of Liberty. The local Lions Club held its first-ever Walk for Diabetes.
“The whole town turned out in support of the walk,” Lions Club vice president Tracy Morgan said. “We have had so much support from the officials and the citizens of Liberty. It is wonderful to see everyone join together in support of fighting this disease.”
The walk kicked off with the Liberty High School ROTC presenting of the colors under the direction of Maj. Ben Ivy, followed by the pledge of allegiance led by the Liberty Cub Scout Pack 227.
Liberty Cub Scout Pack 227 leads the pledge of allegiance during the opening ceremony of the Liberty Lions’ Walk for Diabetes.
Liberty Lions Club member Lynn Baker sang the National Anthem, and the Rev. Michael Goldston of Liberty United Methodist Church gave the invocation. Liberty Mayor Eric Boughman spoke along with Morgan.
The local Lions Club took its service motto “We Serve” to heart sponsoring the walk. As planning began for the event in August, 26 million people in America were affected by this disease. The club set its goal at $2,600 to help support the American Diabetes Association and to bring awareness to the community of the growing problem. By the time the walk started, the number of affected people had risen to 30 million.
Liberty Lions vice president Tracy Morgan addresses those in attendance at the kickoff of the Walk for Diabetes.
Quite a few local citizens joined the club during the event. The Liberty police and fire departments, along with city officials, helped and joined in the fun.
“We know they went far beyond expectations in their support for the walk. We are so pleased,” Lions member Lisa Carpenter added. “The turnout, which numbered in the hundreds, far exceeded our expectations.
“We are thankful for all the people who came to the walk and to all the people who supported the effort.”
The walkers greatly benefitted from the medical teams from Cannon Hospital and Easley Baptist, who joined the event.
Many businesses were also present to give out information and supply gifts to the walkers.