Wilderness skills classes planned at Hagood Mill

PICKENS — The Pickens County Museum recently announced that registration for the much-awaited Wilderness Self-Reliance Skills series with instructor Alex Garcia is now open.
The classes, held at the Hagood Mill Historic Site and Folklife Center, are designed for adults and are very hands-on.
Garcia currently works at Clemson University and is a 21-year Army veteran. His career includes occupation specialties in the infantry, Special Forces and military intelligence where he applied his skills as an assistant team commander and staff intelligence officer. He attended the U.S. Army Jungle Operations Training Center in Panama as well as received instruction in civilian wilderness survival schools.
An avid outdoorsman, Garcia has spent several years studying and practicing diverse survival philosophies and techniques specifically relevant to the topography and botany of North and South Carolina.
June 22, Aug. 24 or Oct. 12
“Part 1: Introduction to Making Fire and Shelter,” from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
In this class, Garcia will familiarize the student with the empowering skill of creating fire by friction using the bow drill, and other methods as well; plus, the construction of primitive shelters using materials found in nature. The class will cover: How to identify and use fire making material; building a wet and dry fire; locating a shelter site and material; three types of shelter; tips to stay warm and dry in the worst conditions. The students will take home the tools they make (bow drill set, etc.) and handouts for their notebook. Please dress appropriately for a day in the woods: Hat, daypack, water, sturdy footwear, handkerchief or bandanna, a sharp folding or scabbard knife and note taking material. Lunch is not provided so bring your own bag lunch and enjoy this unique class. Please tell your friends that you will not be answering your cell phones and place the phone on vibrate. Tuition is $55 ($45 for museum members). This class is for adults (18 years+). Class size: Minimum of 6 students, maximum of 10. Pre-registration is required. In case of bad weather students will move into one of the cabins at the Hagood Mill site.
July 27, Sept. 7 or Oct. 26
“Part 2: Introduction to Finding Water and Food,” from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. How long can I go without food or water? How do I find it? Is it safe to drink or eat? The purpose of this class is to follow up “Part 1: Intro to Fire and Shelter” and to familiarize the student with methods of obtaining food and water in a wilderness setting. The student will build traps and fishing tackle using the material found in nature, identify and harvest edible plants, plus learn methods of finding and purifying water. The students will take home the tools they make (traps, fishing tackle, etc.) and handouts for their notebook. Please dress appropriately for a day in the woods: Hat, daypack, water, sturdy footwear, handkerchief or bandanna, a sharp folding or scabbard knife and note taking material. Lunch is not provided so bring your own bag lunch and enjoy this unique class. Please tell your friends that you will not be answering your cell phones and place the phone on vibrate. Tuition is $55 ($45 for museum members). This class is for adults (18 years+). Class size: Minimum of 6 students, maximum of 10. Pre-registration is required. In case of bad weather students will move into one of the cabins at the Hagood Mill site.
Pre-registration is required and you may register on-line at http://www.visitpickenscounty.com/calendar, in person, or by calling the Pickens County Museum at (864) 898-5963.. Tuition may be paid by cash, check or charge. Make check payable to the Pickens County Museum or call the Museum to use your Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Full Tuition must be paid by each class registration deadline. Students will be notified if a class is cancelled or filled. If class is cancelled all tuition will be reimbursed to registered student. No tuition reimbursements after start of class.
The Hagood Mill is located at 138 Hagood Mill Road, Pickens, SC 29671 just 3 miles north of Pickens or 5.5 miles south of Cherokee Foothills Scenic Hwy 11 off SC 178. Hagood Mill is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., to tour the buildings and grounds and to visit the Mill Site Gift Shop.