
Working hard for our county

My first summer job was as the groundskeeper at Flat Rock Baptist Church. I had a Sears riding lawnmower to cut the lawn, a Briggs and Stratton push mower to cut between the cemetery plots, and an International Cub Tractor to bush hog the field between the church fellowship hall and the parsonage. I had different tools to accomplish different tasks, which allowed me to get the job done more effectively. I remember it as being hard work, and thinking back, I hope I did a good job for the church.

As the years went on, my jobs changed, and so did the tools I used. I used hand trucks to move refrigerators when I worked for Nalley’s Furniture. I used a soldering iron when I worked for Sangamo on the mini shift. Once I entered college and law school, I traded in those tools for books and libraries. And my senior

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